Posts in Western Food
Checking Out Pete Evan's Dinner Menu at Heirloom

Chef Pete Evans curated a special menu for The Heirloom which offered diners healthy fresh produce and delicious food, while at the same time giving the food the presentation it deserved. Sometimes though, there were days where the chef just wanted to create something a bit naughtier than usual such as the yummy chocolate dessert that we had.

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Journey to The Pickled Herring at Two Rocks (Invited)

Ever since Chef Neil Herbert took over the kitchen of the Pickled Herring at Two Rocks, he has been trying to reinvent the place with a new identity and we were amazed at the delicious summer menu that he cooked for us.

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Birak Season at the Wildflower Perth

My first experience dining in at the Wildflower was really excellent. I could taste the quality of fresh produce in each bite and I couldn't wait to see what they will have in store for the next Nyoongar season!

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Missy Moos Burgers at Fremantle

With the competitive burger scene in Perth, customers know what a good burger taste like. I think there are other places who serve better burgers and at a better price. Fortunately this time we were able to use our voucher and paid less compared to what they usually charged.  With that being said, it’s still good to know that there’s a decent burger place around this particular area of Fremantle.

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Blinco Street Cafe, Fremantle

Blinco Cafe lends itself to playfulness and being laid back too with a plush toy of Homer Simpson sitting at one of the tables. There are colourful cushions, paintings on display and music ranging from upbeat jazz, Gregorian chant to the relaxing sounds of Enya. It's hard to describe but this place is playful, colourful, charming and chilled all in one package.

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